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  • When completing the living will, does this have to be recorded in the county clerks office in order for it to stand? thanks
  • I gave my roommate his written thirty day notice on July 1st. He barely has packed anything and I have a feeling he isn't going to be gone by the 31st. If he has not left the premises by the 31st legally what can I do? My husband and I own the house and he was living with us, just to give you some background. I'm stressing so bad, I don't want a confrontation but it might come to that. The paper he signed was a form we got online and it's not notarized or anything. Would that matter? Thank you.
  • my question is: reguarding "earnest deposits" and when they are not refundable/ also what does it mean when you have "first right of refusal to rent a specific property/,
  • Can I Collect unemployment if I Quit my job I work for a Nursing and a Rehabilitation center I have Two co- workers and 6 patients that tested positive for COVID-19 2 deaths on Monday They will be excepting patients with callback from the hospital I do not feel safe I have a husband that has just recover from cancer. I don’t want to expose him. I am very concern with my family wellbeing
  • My ex-husband has made the choice to move 1 hour away from his daugther. We have joint custody however he is telling me I have to meet him halfway for drop off and pickup on his weekends. Is this correct?
  • I have been in the rental house in AZ for more than 5 years. Now that I am leaving the landlord say's they are charging me late fee from past rent over the last five years. Can they do this even thoe they never said or mention rent was late and there was not late fee asked for. But in the lease it does say there is a late fee if rent is late but has never told me rent was ever late or ever ask for late fee's before me giving my notice to leave
  • My husband recently passed away and I found out he took out a signature loan from a credit union. I'm not on the account, I had nothing to do with the loan, and my income was not part of the application process. Am I required to repay this loan?
  • I'm at the end of a two year lease. The landlord has a 20% rent increase if we don't do a new lease. Does he need to send us a written notice 30 days in advance that he intends to increase our rent 20% and the total amount that would make our new rent payment be? So far he has excepted the regular payment for two months passed the lease end date and now we just gave about a 50 day notice that we intend to move out.
  • My Biological Sister committed suicide in Charlotte, NC and left behind a 2yr old. The father of the 2 yr old is exsisting located in Kenosha, WI as well as I in Racine, WI but he is not fit to take care of my 2 yr old niece. Being that my sister and niece both resided in NC for over 6 months I cannot petition for custody here so How do I gain custody for my niece in which I have rights to do so in charlotte, NC. I have already did a Self Serve petition but I dont know where to go from here. Please help before its too late.
  • My next door neighbor has a 4 yr. old autistic grandson who keeps throwing toys and small objects over the block wall into my back yard. He has also thrown a rock and smashed his mother's car windshield. You'd think they'd keep these projectiles out of his reach or supervise him better! I have small dogs who have already chewed plastic toys into sharp pieces, and I worry about them choking or getting hit in the head. What are my rights, and what can I do?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program